Almost everyone can remember taking swimming lessons when they were a kid. While some of us may have relished the water, others may have had a harder time getting acquainted with it, dreading pushing off the wall into the open pool or those minutes of treading in the deep end.
Whether you are a seasoned swimmer or require a bit more practice, there is always room for improvement when it comes to technique in the water. Here are a few tips that you can use or share the next time you and your family are ready to take a dip in the pool.
Form and Breathing Tip
The USA Triathlon website has several tips for breathing better in the water, but the first tip they mention is about keeping your face in the water while swimming. Lifting your face out of the water will cause the angle of your body to drop and as a result, create more drag while you swim. Check out this article by USA Triathlon to read about the various tricks for helping to keep your face in the water in addition to other tips on breathing and form for beginners.
Floating Tip
No two people are built the same. For some, trying to float can be a daunting task, while for others, learning how to swim laps may be an arduous goal. If you are a beginner swimmer who struggles with keeping your head above water, here is a basic tip from Enjoy-Swimming.com: Make sure your lungs are filled with air. For more advice on getting comfortable floating in the water, check out this post, which features various exercises to try and even a video demonstrating one of them.Long-Distance Swimming Tip
An article on the Triathlete’s World website, a sister website to the UK’s Runner’s World magazine, recommends using your entire forearm and hand as an anchor to help pull through the water. They also recommend taking breaths less often and making “each breath count.” Check out this article, “Seven Steps to Better Swimming Technique,” which includes advice from some of the best athletic professionals out there for both beginner and advanced swimmers.These are just a few tips to get you started on improving your swimming technique. In the coming months, we will continue to cover this topic with posts on diving, particular swimming strokes and safety in the water. Make sure to keep checking back for more tips that can help you succeed in the pool.